Superintendent's Update - January 21, 2022

The following is the content of an electronic message sent from Superintendent Sinnette to the La Cañada Unified community:
"Dear LCUSD Community,
I hope you are doing well and managing.  Happy Friday!
Late this week, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health adjusted its Exposure Management Protocols.  Beginning Monday (1/24), we will adjust our practices to follow the updated Public Health guidance.  What this means is that if there is a positive Covid case resulting in a close contact exposure identified in a classroom, we will "test to stay" all unvaccinated close contacts (within 6’ for more than 15 minutes over the course of the school day) as identified by a classroom seating chart.  Asymptomatic vaccinated students are allowed to stay in school without testing for classroom close contact exposures.  However, rapid antigen tests will be available to close contact asymptomatic vaccinated students upon request.
Per Governing Board action, LCUSD will continue to require the mandatory weekly testing and attestation for ALL students and staff on Sundays through February 6.  In order for students and staff to return to school/work each week, they should test each Sunday and attest results by 9:00 p.m. via the link sent by the Principal.  Next week we will distribute Rapid Antigen Tests (2) to students and staff for the January 30th and February 6 tests and attestations. Please look for distribution information from the LCUSD Covid Compliance Team or from your Principal.
Thank you and have a great weekend.  Be well.
Wendy Sinnette